
Nalezeno "Internet Explorer": 12

Legendární Internet Explorer jde konečně do důchodu

Přestože většina uživatelů IE již léta nepoužívá, společnost Microsoft jej ještě udrží „při životě“ do 15. června 2022,… The post Legendární Internet Explorer jde konečně do důchodu appeared first on

A Business Case for Dropping Internet Explorer

The distance between Internet Explorer (IE) 11 and every other major browser is an increasingly gaping chasm. Adding support for a technologically obsolete browser adds an inordinate amount of time and frustration to development. Testing becomes onerous. Bug-fixing looms large. Developers have...

A Conspiracy to Kill IE6

Chris Zacharias published a few notes about why the team at YouTube added a banner that asked users to switch from IE6 to a more modern browser back in 2009: The bittersweet consequence of YouTube’s incredible growth is that so many stories will be lost underneath all of the layers of new paint....

Edge Goes Chromium: What Does it Mean for Front-End Developers?

In December 2018, Microsoft announced that Edge would adopt Chromium, the open source project that powers Google Chrome. Many within the industry reacted with sadness at the loss of browser diversity. Personally, I was jubilant. An official release date has yet to be announced, but it will be...

IE10-Compatible Grid Auto-Placement with Flexbox

If you work on web applications that support older browsers, and have lusted after CSS Grid from the sidelines like I have, I have some good news: I've discovered a clever CSS-only way to use grid auto-placement in IE10+! Now, it's not actually CSS Grid, but without looking at the code itself,...

CSS Grid in IE: Faking an Auto-Placement Grid with Gaps

This is the third and final part in a three-part series about using CSS grid safely in Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) without going insane. In Part 1, I covered some of the common misconceptions that people have about IE11’s native CSS grid implementation. In Part 2, I showed the world how easy...

CSS Grid in IE: CSS Grid and the New Autoprefixer

In Part 1 of this series, I debunked a few misconceptions that many people have around the Internet Explorer (IE) implementation of CSS grid. This article builds on that knowledge. It would be best to go back and read that article first if you haven’t already. Today I’m going to be tackling...

CSS Grid in IE: Debunking Common IE Grid Misconceptions

This is the first in a three-part series all about how to use CSS grid in a way that will work not only in modern browsers but also in Internet Explorer (IE). Imagine writing CSS grid code without having to write a fallback layout! Many of us think that this is some far off future that is many...

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